Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Lesson 1: Collecting basics learned from the Hot Wheels guys!

This post is a combined thought of recent interactions I've had with people I've met while trying to collect Star Wars toys. My first tip in collecting came form store Employees at Toys R Us that were actually being helpful. One long-time TRU employee told me that the collectors arrive early in the morning when the store first opens to grab all the hard to find items, which is why I can never find what I'm looking for. These collectors then buy certain sought after figures and sell and trade them to make money, build collections, etc.

Upon hearing this, I began arriving at my local Target store by 8am to get first crack at the SW toys. What I found was that there is a dedicated group of Hot Wheels toys car collectors that have been coming to this local Target for years and can range form one to five different people on any given day. Each morning they greet each other and then go over their Hot Wheel car findings from the last day or so. As the doors open they continue with the small talk, but engage in a quick pace along a specific route to the toy isle.

My first day there they mistook me for a Hot Wheel collector, and me them for a SW collector. Once the door opened we quickly entered and made way to the toys. Our pace quickened, and when we made a different turn in the store I could hear the others running the isle over. I then quickened my pace and eventually we all met at the toy area. I had arrived first, and we all felt better when we understood that we were there for different things. I see the same two guys almost every morning at Target, and while we still make walk briskly to the toy department, we understand that we're not a threat to one another. I was a bit surprised by the speed they used to get to the toys, but can understand that if one puts the effort into getting here at such and early hour it best be for not.

These Hot Wheel collectors confirmed the fact that you need to get to the store at opening to get the good stuff. They also helped create the foundation that I have today for morning collecting; check with the store management to learn when the next truck delivery is due and when the crew plans to put the merchandise on the shelves; know the shortest route to the merchandise from the store entrance. I also learned the art stashing items if I needed to, and where to look for stashed items by fellow collectors. Would you believe me if I told you that collectors stashed items under the shelf’s base panel?!

Friday, July 01, 2005


Frank's Star Wars Episode III Collecting Blog

Welcome to my Blog. As a kid in the 1970's I grew up on Star Wars. I was 9 years old when Star Wars: Episode IV "A New Hope" was released in the theater. At the time I thought it was the greatest movie I'd ever seen or could want to see. I never did buy or collect Star Wars toys then. Now, some 28 years later, I decided that I wanted to experience and say that I too collected Star Wars toys at one time or another. Once Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released I realized that this was my last chance to experience the excitement of collecting Star Wars toys released uniquely for one of the 6 episodes. My Blog is an account of a kid who's all grown up now, getting a second chance to relive his childhood, and buy all the Star Wars toys he never had. Before I began I vowed to stop once I collected the toys I want that are specifically related to this last episode. I have no wish of collecting releases beyond this movie. Star Wars items specific to the last Star Wars episode will denote that they are from the Revenge of the Sith movie. Follow my progress in my Blog as I attempt to collect the Star Wars Episode III toys, unravel the mystery and uncover the truth about collecting.

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