Thursday, September 29, 2005


Fitting that September ends with Wal-Mart!

Ok, well maybe not a day for the archives that'll be remembered long before I am gone, but nonetheless a very productive day for finding Star Wars shit!

Knowing that the new Wal-Mart Super Center restocks their merchandise after 9pm, I went there in hope of getting the new wave of figures right as they were being stocked from the pallet to the pegs. For the second night, Wednesday and now Thursday, the pallet didn't have any SW figures. Disappointed I drove to the older Wal-Mart just down the highway, and got their 15 minutes before they close at 11pm. To my surprise I saw figure no.46, Ask Aak. This is the second figure in the Tarkin wave of three, which has been most impossible to find. I grabbed him, as a friend of mine needs him for his collection. While looking around, I ran into another collector bud and we both acknowledged that we were hoping to get figures before the store closed so we wouldn't have to show up at 7am to fight (figuratively speaking) with the scalpers. As we were talking the announcement came over the loudspeakers that the store was closing in 10 minutes. Just then we saw the pallet with toy stock heading our way. I quickly noted a SW figure box on the top left of the array of stacked boxes. Andy then spotted another 5 boxes! We asked the young man who had brought the pallet if we could buy some figures before the store closed, because we never stand a chance against the scalpers in morning. We then proceeded to open each one of the six boxes and take the new figures we wanted. Myself, collecting for two others, grabbed enough for everyone. On the downside, the boxes only contained 3 of the 7 new figures. However, it contained both clone commanders, Bly and Gree, the figures most wanted. I bought 4 of each. One pair for me to open, as I already have a set of them I got earlier in the week (Read Blog entry titled "Execute Order No.66"), and the other three for my collecting buds who each need one, or a second one to open - and I guess play with - lol!
Click this link to see a pic of one of the more strage looking SW figures!

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