Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Lesson 3: Good sources = game plan!

You'll notice that some of the links on my Blog page aren't related to my favorite movies, professional sports teams or the music I choose to listen to, rather they are links to great sources for Star Wars collectors.

When I first began collecting I'd randomly drive from store to store looking for figures. I called this my first phase. Aimlessly wondering, looking. Then I began to network with fellow collectors and found out when the stores would get shipments and began to arrive early to better my chances. So far so good? Networking was phase 2. However, just because a store is receiving a truck doesn't mean that what your looking for is on it. And chances are that if you don't have access to the packing list from the shipment, you're not going to know, etc. Realizing this I turned to a handful of on-line resources. A few web sites allow visitors post their daily findings, and if you live on the West Coast such as I do, you can read the morning posts and sometimes a sighting will be reported on the East Coast. Normally this should be seen as a clue. I call this Phase 3, or the third lesson I learned as a collector. Check the East Coast reportings on-line before spending the day driving around from Wal-Mart, to Target, to Toy's R Us...well you get the picture. So, check out the links if this collecting interests you!

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