Friday, September 30, 2005


Wal-Mart has been good to me so far...

Now Target stores, that's another story. With action figures anyhow.

Tonight I went to the local Wal-Mart Super Center expecting SW figures. I was thinking that this store just had a grand opening earlier in the week, and now they have nothiing new and the weekend is the next day so they gotta have stuff. I know this is a narrow perspective, and SW toys aren't the only product to push for a busy weekend, and not everyone is specifically looking for SW toys.

Wednesday, the day of the grand opening, my friend and I managed to acquire all 7 of the new figures #57-#63, but only one of each. Thursday night I found doubles of #57, #59 and #63 at another store(see Blog entry "Fitting that September ends with Wal-Mart!). Tonight I arrived at this Super Center W-M hoping to get the other 4 figures so me and my friend could have a complete set. Then if there were more, I have a couple other friends who'd want a set.

At 9:15pm the pallets were distributed to the different product sections in the store and by 10:30pm the Employees arrived to stock the products. I kid you not, there were 3 pallets full of SW action figures. When they were done restocking, they had another 30 or so action figure boxes still unopened that would need to be taken back. Maybe there were more, but I counted about 14 boxes on the floor in the SW isle, and another dozen or more boxes still on the 3 pallets. I managed to purchase 3 #58, the Wookie Commando, and doubles of #57, #59 and #63. Figures #60-#62 haven't shown up in force yet, but I assume they will soon enough!

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