Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Count Dooku's Lightsaber found!

Since I didn't work until 3pm, I did a little run to see if I could find some doubles of the last wave of figures. The local Target had the wave before the last wave, which wasn't too exciting. However I did find Count Dooku's lightsaber at a Toys R Us. This lightsaber is the unique one with a gun shaped handle. I bought 3 of the sabers in the event some friends were interested. And if not, I would simply return them. I had never seen this particular lightsaber until today. Apparently with the holiday shopping season upon us, and the release of the Episode III DVD, Hasbro seems to be making a little push to get as much merchandise out as they can. This means that some items that had previously been difficult to find should start to make an appearance again.


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