Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Impressive...most impressive!

My skills have improved, but I am not a Jedi yet!

My collecting skills have made me almost a Collector. Using the wisdom from my own lessons left throughout the Blog entries, I collected DPCI product numbers for different items and made a few phone calls to Target stores. Specifically I was looking for any of their exclusive items that are due out this month, possibly slated for the 15th or 16th. Oh, btw, I began doing this after reading multiple posts on-line this morning from east coast collectors stating that they used the DPCI#'s to look up items in Target stores and then had the staff sell the merchandise before its possible release date.

Upon calling this one Target the Operator gave me a listing of Targets that were local to me that had the Obi-Wan and Darth Vader (Anikin) Lava Reflection figures, and the Clone Attack Battle Pack. Surprised I was to learn that the Target down the street was listed as having bushells of them in stock. Not so surprised was I when I went in and they told me it must be a computer error. Slightly frustrated I returned home and called the Target just down the coast. Slightly excited I was when I spoke to the area leader for the Toy section who told me that he physically checked and had them in stock. I drove down the coast and purchased enough of the Lava Reflection figures for me and my friends who were also looking. The area leader at the Target couldn't find the Clone Attack Battle Pack, so I drove to another Target and asked the Employees if they could help me find the item. After giving them the DPCI# an Employee returned with 3 for me :-) Now I get to make this nice journal entry for you!

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