Thursday, October 13, 2005


Plo Koon's Starfighter and last # figure in series found!

Last night I found the last figure scheduled to be released in the line of Star Wars action figures. Though I couldn't locate the 4 that preceeded it. Still, I'm getting closer to finishing my collection! Only 4 more figures left! Well actually, since I began collecting only my favorites, and what a list of favorites it was, I need another 10 common figures to officially complete the entire figure collection, not including exclusives or variants that have yet to be released.

Today I was able to once again use the DPCI# trick, and when I was greeted by the Target employee with a "Hello, can I help you find something", it was all good. I provided her with the product no. for Plo Koon's Target Exclusive starfighter and after some time hunting in 3 backrooms she returned with a case of them!

Plo Koon's starfigher assembled by Frank!

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