Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Burger King Star Wars Toys Series 2 [week 1]

Ok, so I picked up the week 1 Burger King Star Wars toys tonight. I actually got a good deal too! Tonight I had decided to do a small run and hit a couple Wal-Mart stores as they were closing, well one is actually a 24-hr store, and thought I'd take a chance and see if the employees would put stock out on the floor before they closed. After being unlucky I decided to pick up the first week BK toys from a local BK's drive-thru. This series of BK toys consists of plastic toys as well as watches in colletor tins.

Pulling up to the drive-thru window I asked for the two watches in the collector tins, and the 3 figures, and one space ship. The cashier told me it would be $8. The toys are sold 2/$2, and each watch is $2. I asked about the tax, and he said not to worry about it. So I engaged about Star Wars and asked if he was a fan, and he said he collected all the first series of Burger King Star Wars toys, and because I was buying the toys he'd give me a deal. Seeing as how I had a $10 bill on me, I asked him how much a large fries would be, as I would have $2 left as change from the toys. He replied, "No problem, I'll comp you." Part of me was thinking this kid is just going to pocket the money I give him, and the other part of me thought it was getting late and this isn't an issue I need to deal with. Then he begins to tell me about the Vader chase (limited to one per box) figure, and how it's being packaged one per box. I asked if I could buy one, as looked at the $2 change I had. He left the drive-thru window and when he returned he had all the figures and watches for the first week, and the Darth Vader figure! Not too bad for the first week of BK figures.


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