Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Revenge of the Sith DVD release!

Ok, so ROTS was released yesterday and there were some goodies to be had. Wal-Mart had a special DVD 2-pack, which included a special DVD that told the stories of both Anakin and Luke, told by C3-PO. Wal-Mart also had three commemorative figure sets that had 3 figures in each. They were a Sith, Clone Trooper and Jedi commemorative set. These are supposedly limited, so first come, and first serve. Target offered a commemorative coin with the purchase of the DVD, which is limited in number, but not nearly as limited as the DVD figure packs that Wal-Mart offered.
So, I began my *hunt* the night of the 31st. I checked on local Wal-Mart that closes at 11pm, in the chance that the figure sets would be put out early. I witnessed Employees moving an entire pallet of Star Wars boxed goods into the garden section, not to be put out on the sales floor until the over-night crew arrived said a salesperson. I then decided to try my luck at the 24/7 Wal-Mart just down the highway. Upon arriving there I saw 2 of the 3 commemorative DVD figure packs, so apparently they released them before the DVD. I spoke to a sales person and they informed me that they had released them over the weekend. This was unfortunate for me as now I had to go back to the other Wal-Mart and compete with the other collectors and scalpers for the commemorative packs.
The day before I had spoken to my collector Less, who told me that he would also be at this Wal-Mart at 7am. Arriving I decided to go through the automotive section, having before noted that the clock was a few minutes faster. I spoke to the employee at the register and she allowed me to wait until the store lights came on, and the clock said by my watch. So, when the time came she told me I could proceed, and as I made my way toward the Star Wars section of the store I listened for the flock of competition that would be coming from the front doors. I kid you not; when I arrived I was alone for a good 3 minutes! There were store staff still setting up the display, and one management figure informed me that the store wasn't open yet. I explained that I had my car in automotive, and the staff told me I could go in, explaining that the staff at automotive made their decision to let me in based on the traffic they had been listening to on their work radio. The management figure then replied "Ok." I then looked at their completely restocked pegs of figures and was quickly disappointed that there was nothing my friends or I had needed. I then asked the staff about the commemorative DVD figures and they pointed them out to me. I proceeded to grab enough for me, Less and another couple. Then after talking about Star Wars with the staff for another minute I heard another staff member say, "Here they all come." She was referring to the collectors and scalpers that had just been let in from the front of the store. Each one of them had a shopping basket and as they made their way toward the section of the store I saw my friend Less in the group and with a smug smile I waved. It is moments like this one, when I feel I've out-witted another collector/scalper, which makes the hunt all worthwhile!

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