Monday, December 05, 2005


Hidden treasure here, hidden treasure there, hidden treasure everywhere!

Ok, so based on my finding hundreds of toys hidden under the kickplates at the local TRU, I decided to see how big of a problem this is elsewhere, and as you can guess by the title of this Blog entry it is common. I started the morning at the local Target and filled 1/2 a shopping cart with Star Wars, Hot Wheels and such. I then drove to 3 other Target stores and 2 Toys R Us stores. The Target stores were minimal as I guessed, due to the Employees generally doing a better job patrolling and seem to be more organized. Both Toys R Us stores had toys under the kickplates, and I feel that one had a substantial amount, similar to the TRU I checked last night. When I found the toys that collectors and store staff had hidden, I met with a store management figure and gave them the info on what to look for.

One of the Target stores actually secured their kickplates, preventing people from accessing them. This was good. One TRU I was able to almost fill a shopping cart from having checked under only a few plates. Mostly wrestling figures and Hot Wheels. I spoke to the Director at this TRU and came away from our conversation wondering about his involvement and to what extent he allows the local collectors and store staff to partake in this shading stashing of product. When I brought it to his attention he explained that he doesn't want me to look under the kickplates for obvious reasons. I told him that I had know interest in getting hurt, and only wished to demonstrate that the local collectors and probably his staff are cheating customers and his store of product. His response was that he's been in retail for many years and he is aware of stuff like this, and then he began telling me, repeatedly, that he doesn't want me looking under any more kickplates, and seemed very uncomfortable. The thought did come across my mind that he knew, allowed this, and partakes in it. Oh well. So, now knowing how bad the stashing of collectible toys is, I've developed a saying when shopping for Star Wars; "If it isn't in the store, then it's under the store!"

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