Sunday, January 29, 2006


Jet Pack deluxe figure found!

So the other week I decided to include the deluxe figure line into my Star Wars Revenge of the Sith collection. The deluxe figures are those that are packaged in a larger bubble and card than those the regular figures occupy. Upon viewing the photo of the Jet Pack Clone, you'll notice the larger size of the card it's on.

I came across the Clone w/Jet Pack at a Target store while out of town looking at a hardtop for my Miata. I left in the wee early hours of the morning. I left so early because I wanted to leave myself with plenty of time to hunt for SW before I transacted with the person selling the hardtop. I found the Jet Pack Clone under kickplates, in the Star Wars isle, at the second Target I visited. When I scanned the figure to get a price the the reader displayed 0.00. At the checkstand the cashier had to call her supervisor for a price. Once it was determined what the price should be, I wound up paying a whole $2.48! In all I visited 3 Wal*Marts, 4 Targets, and 1 Toys R Us store!

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