Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Kickplate finds & burned by a scam!

Yesterday at an out of town Target my friend and me found two figures from an old line, 2003. R1-G4 Tatooine Transaction and R2-D2 Jabba's Sail Barge. Very minor blemises on the back of the card from being under the kickplates for 3 years - a couple spots! When we scanned the price the scanner said that the item couldn't be located. When the staff returned after checking the number on the barcode the price for each figure was .36ยข each!!!! Not bad for near mint cards!

At another Walmart I found Grievous' Wheel Bike discounted to $13.00. Then, back in town, my friends put a Republic Gunship on hold for me at the local TRU. I returned one of two Star Wars Pez collectors sets that were identicle Christmas gifts, which made the total out of pocket cost only $10.80. Not bad at all. Now here is where the story gets strange...

After picking up the Gunship I went directly to work. Having left work for the night I dropped on over my friends house, the ones that put the Republic Gunship on hold for me. Upon opening it we were all shocked, as the contents were of a returned POTF 1998 X-Wing fighter. The ship was disassembled and parts taped within the innards of the Gunship cardboard box. This was very strange. Even more so was that the ship still worked after 7+ years, and was only missing one wing gun.

After work today I returned the X-Wing and Gunship box, and then explained everything to a manger. I did sense some doubt of my story in his tone, in which he felt I may be trying to rip off the store, but I was very pointed and made my point that they need to refund my money as I was not paying for their mistake. If they had examined the returned merchandise when it was returned the first time, they would have prevented this. I did get my refund, and am now more suspicious of that Toys R Us operation than I had been before, after having found tons of toys hidden under the kickplates a month or so before. I just hope that the joker who put the wrong item in the box hasn't ruined my relationship with the store and staff. But then again, there are more important things to be concerned of.

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