Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Lesson 5: Kickplates / Hiding Merchandise Eplained

When I first learned of store employees and guests hiding items in various places within stores I had a difficult time understanding why. I first thought they were simply hiding it for their friends to come in and pick up. Thinking that the items would be purchased soon. Though after having found items dating back 2-3 years under kickplates in different stores I've reached the conclusion that a large number of merchandise hiding is done in the interest of returning to buy it after it has been clearanced priced. You see, today I found a ROTS action figure with food, dust and other stuff on it, sitting on the clearance shelf at the local Target. It was obvious that this figure had been under the kickplates, and I was considering it at a clearance price. Along with the few clearance-priced figures were larger Battle Packs, which originally costs $20 each. I believe that these more expensive items were hidden with the intent to return and puchase them at the $6 clearance price.

To summarize... Collectible items are hidden within the store for immediate purchase and long-term clearance purchase.

Immediate purchase hidden items are usually placed hehind different items within the same isle. Maybe they are placed behind items in different isles. But are not usually concealed under kickplates.

Long-term clearance purchase items are those in which one puts forward greater effort in hidding it, in hope of returning at a much later date after it has been marked down to a clearance price. This involves a longer waiting period, and in order to ensure that the item remains hidden, collectors/scalpers/store employees, go to greater lengths to hide the item. Guests are limited to hiding within the area they are allowed access within the store. Store employees can hide items long-term in areas guests don't have access to, such as in their stockroom, or other areas outside the main store layout. I have heard from store managers of boxes of items being found tucked away up on rafters in stockrooms and such.

How does this information help the average collector?
  1. Be aware that after the holidays stores reset their displays, items get marked down, and often times merchandise that you haven't seen for some time is rediscovered during the reset.
  2. If you can't find the item your looking for, don't hesitate to look behind other items in near proximity as it may be hidden for immediate purchase by another.
  3. If the item you seek is slightly pricy $9.99 and above, know that someone has probably stashed it under a kickplace, or elsewhere for a long-term clearance purchase.
I don't recommend long-term hiding of items, because what you're really doing is stealing $ from the store who can make a sale at a higher price during the time the product is hidden. If anything else, this is bad Karma. Many items that are hidden long-term miss the holiday shopping season, a time when most shoppers are scrapping to find just about anything Star Wars. Maybe one way around this is to place the item(s) on layaway, if the store offers this.

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