Monday, February 27, 2006


And even more Titanium!

Today at the local Target I found the latest titanium ships. The ships were Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter, the Trade Federation AAT, the Sith Infiltrator and the Slave 1. Included in the latest wave is the first of special ships. From what I gather it's an all-metal forged Slave 1 ship (furthest right). See the picture!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


My ROTS collection to date - kinda...

Revenge of the Sith basic figure collection.

The photo to the left is of my ROTS basic figure collection to date. Not exactly everything I have, as I have some doubles and such that I saved for trading with fellow collectors. This collection is in a small closet in my guest room. The closet is only 60 inches wide, and as you can see I had to display some of the figures on their side to make them all fit. I built the shelves inside the closet to display the collection. I'm still collecting a few deluxe figures before I can call it complete, so I will not post pictures of the sides within the closet til I finish.

68 scheduled release figures (each in protective case)
4 Sneak Preview figures! (each in protective case)
7 Store Exclusive figures! (each in protective case)
12 Variants and Errors! (each in protective case)
12 Deluxe figures!
103 Total figures!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


More Titanium ships found!

Today at tha local Target I was surprised ta see tha latest wizzle of Titanium ships on tha pegs aww nah. The ships included Anakins Hustla Battle Damaged Milinium Falcon, Naboo Royal Starship, n tha Wookie Shot Calla. See tha picture!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Geonosis wave found!

Thursday at an out of town Target store I came across the third wave in the Saga collection, the Geonosis wave. This wave of Star Wars figures is based on the Battle of Geonosis in Episode 2. I had an opportunity to get all but the one figure called Scorch. Scorch is actually a figure/character based on a Star Wars video game, and is technically not a part of the Battle of Geonosis. Friday I found Scorch at my local Target store, and I picked him up along with a second Jango Fett figure. Apparently the Jango Fett that I had bought on Thursday had a damaged bubble, and we all know that this is unacceptable to a collector. I returned the damaged card Jango Fett figure.

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