Wednesday, February 22, 2006


My ROTS collection to date - kinda...

Revenge of the Sith basic figure collection.

The photo to the left is of my ROTS basic figure collection to date. Not exactly everything I have, as I have some doubles and such that I saved for trading with fellow collectors. This collection is in a small closet in my guest room. The closet is only 60 inches wide, and as you can see I had to display some of the figures on their side to make them all fit. I built the shelves inside the closet to display the collection. I'm still collecting a few deluxe figures before I can call it complete, so I will not post pictures of the sides within the closet til I finish.

68 scheduled release figures (each in protective case)
4 Sneak Preview figures! (each in protective case)
7 Store Exclusive figures! (each in protective case)
12 Variants and Errors! (each in protective case)
12 Deluxe figures!
103 Total figures!

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