Saturday, March 25, 2006


Toy Show Findings!

Today I attended a toy show in anticipation that'd pick up a couple loose ends to complete my ROTS collection. Specifically I was looking for:

To prepare for this show I'd been collecting a variety of SW stuff that I'd picked up at bargain prices over the last couple months. Before the show I stopped by my local Target store and found that the latest wave 4 figures had been put out. I selected the hard to find one's and was off to the show. I'd been communicating with an out of town collector in regards to trading merchandise with him at the show, or before, so I was anticipating certain success. He told me he had both Obi-Wan w/Boga and the Arc-170.

Upon arriving at the show I met my good friend who is a local collector. We had planned to meet up. He explained to me what he had seen at the show and suggested where to look for what I needed. When I met up with the other collector that I had been talking to about trading for the Arc and Obi-Wan w/Boga, I was dissapointed to find out that he didn't have either. Still, I managed to find a few things. The following is a list:
When all was said in done I accomplished much of what I wanted, but not everything. I did trade away a lot of things I had got a big discount prices, and came away with things I needed and wanted.

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